Myanmar Oral History Project - life stories

Dr Than Oo, born 1928, prominent educator, former DG of Basic Education, the key player in raising the literacy rate in Burma in the 1960's and for the re-establishing of the teaching of English to primary school children after a gap of many years.

Peter Church Season 1 Episode 77

Dr Than Oo, born 1928, prominent educator, former DG of Basic Education, the key player in raising the literacy rate in Burma in the 1960's and for the re-establishing of the teaching of English to primary school children after a gap of many years, former Chairman of the Academy of Arts and Science.

This interview was first published back on 5 March 2018.  As many of you only became listeners in recent times and may not have heard this interview, I hope you will find this interview of an extraordinary man inspiring.  

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Thank you for listening .

Peter Church